Move Freely Again: Relieve Back Pain with Alignment-Based Pilates and Yoga for an Active, Healthy Life

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“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.” This insight from Joseph Pilates reminds us just how important spinal health is to looking and feeling our best. A flexible, well-aligned spine isn’t just the key to moving without pain—it’s a reflection of … Read more

Break Free from Resolutions: Transform Your Life with Ayurvedic Self-Care Rituals

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The new year is often filled with New Years Resolutions, where we promise to do drastic things to lose weight, and finally “get healthy.”  We are all capable of making drastic positive change, but resolutions may not be the best path forward.  Instead, try slowly introducing positive self-care rituals into your routine. While most of … Read more

‘Twas a Moment in Savasana

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I originally published this in Elephant Journal in 2013.  I love to share this during the holiday, and encourage you to enjoy again this holiday season!!  Namaste!! ‘Twas a moment in Savasana, when all through the studio, not a yogi was stirring – each trying to let go. The Yoga mats were lined up in … Read more

Sleigh Stress & Spark Joy With Ayurvedic Self-Care This Holiday Season

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The holiday season is a time to celebrate, connect, and give. But, for many of us, it also becomes a whirlwind of to-do lists, schedules, and endless obligations that leave us overwhelmed and never done! Sound familiar? The good news? You don’t have to choose between meeting your responsibilities and maintaining your sanity. A little … Read more

Rebalance with Seasonal Ayurvedic Cleanse

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Fall is a great time to reset, rejuvenate and rebalance. Our modern lives are often “too busy” for self-care, which throws us off balance. According to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, we optimize our health when we are in balance. When we are out of balance, we open ourselves up to sickness and disease. If … Read more

Favorite Fall Foods

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Fall is a time for us to restore and rejuvenate for the winter ahead. It’s also a time to nourish. In Ayurvedic terms, fall is a season of Vata – the “air and ether” dosha that brings us the qualities of cold, light, and dry. The key to health in the fall is to keep … Read more

Fall Into Rhythm: Seasonal Tips to Keep You Balanced

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As fall arrives, the seasonal transition invites us to embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda, which emphasizes living in harmony with nature’s rhythms. This time of year presents an opportunity to balance the body’s energies and strengthen our immune system. According to Ayurveda, maintaining health involves aligning our lifestyle with the seasonal changes to optimize our … Read more

Join The Movement in New Programs Starting September 30!

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HEY THERE GATHER PILATES POSSE! We are thrilled to be offering our community in McCall expanded programming this fall! Whether your passion lies in dance, self-defense, Pilates, or all of the above, we look forward to having you join the movement with us! At Gather Pilates, we believe in nurturing personal growth and expression through … Read more